Famous Quote For August 25
"The one thing I want my kids to remember about me is that I was an athlete. The hell with the rest of this stuff."
Joe Biden, 2008
August 25 Birthdays
1998 - China Anne McClain
1987 - Blake Lively
1995 - Lachlan
1961 - Billy Ray Cyrus
1993 - Thomas Oliveira
1978 - Kel Mitchell
1958 - Tim Burton
1930 - Sean Connery
2001 - Devontae_Ballin
1998 - Abraham Mateo
1992 - Bridgette West
1949 - Gene Simmons
2003 - Christian Lalama
1968 - Rachael Ray
1991 - Aaron Ash
1979 - Andrew Hussie
1995 - Slava
1981 - Rachel Bilson
1976 - Alexander Skarsgard
1993 - Gunner Gumm
2004 - King Harris
More Aug 25 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

2011 - Berkshire Hathaway announces plans to invest $5 billion in Bank of America.

August 25th Holiday

Liberation Day (Paris, France) - Celebrates the 6 day Battle of Paris, which eventually freed Paris from German occupation on August 25, 1944.

Today's Birthday Trivia

He ran a ballroom dancing school in Kent, England. Who is he?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the August 25 Birthday Horoscope.

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