Famous Quote For December 31
"Alan Cranston understood power not as a reflection of status but as a tool with a purpose."
Joe Biden, 2000
December 31 Birthdays
2002 - Max Mills
1999 - Brooklyn McKnight
1995 - Gabby Douglas
2002 - Harvey Mills
1999 - Bailey McKnight
1977 - Psy
1989 - Jacy July
1977 - Donald Trump Jr.
1989 - Andrew Taggart
1992 - Zachary Piona
2003 - Matilda Devries
1941 - Alex Ferguson
1992 - Jordan Banjo
1937 - Anthony Hopkins
1994 - Bayani
1980 - Richie McCaw
1984 - Paul Rodriguez Jr.
1979 - Bob Bryar
1990 - Sam Faiers
1943 - John Denver
1983 - Sarah Croce
More Dec 31 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

1999 - Businesses across the world prepare for the rumored Y2k disaster -whereby computer systems around the world would stop working at midnight.

December 31st Holiday

New Years Eve - Celebrates the day preceding the beginning of a new calendar year, often celebrated with social gatherings.

Today's Birthday Trivia

She has claimed to be a big fan of the shows Gossip Girl, House, and The Office. Who is she?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the December 31 Birthday Horoscope.

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