Bob Dylan (after motorcycle crash), gets break from pressures of a musician

Bob Dylan was a representative figure for pop culture as a revolutionary in the anti-war and US civil rights movements. Dylan pushed the limits of popular music by including political, social, and current issues into his lyrics.

On this day, July 29th, in 1966, Bob Dylan crashed his motorcycle by his home in Woodstock, New York. Details about his injuries were never disclosed, but Dylan admitted to breaking several vertebrae in his neck.

Rumor surrounds the motorcycle crash since Dylan was never hospitalized. In the singer’s biographies, descriptions of the crash highlight how it forced Dylan to take a much-needed break from his pressured life as a musical performer. His autobiography echoed this viewpoint, as Dylan said, “I had been in a motorcycle accident and I’d been hurt, but I recovered. Truth was that I wanted to get out of the rat race.”