Vincent Van Gogh’s painting “Sunflowers” is purchased by an anonymous foreign buyer for almost $36.3 million

Just imagine bidding at an auction for an item you are really interested in just to get out bidden by a anonymous telephone buyer. The item goes for three times the amount of any item in its category ever sold. You must be wondering who this person must be and how are they getting all this money. When Vincent Van Gogh was selling his painting he himself hoped to get around a hundred bucks for a painting, but never imagine they could go for millions seeing as he had difficulty selling them himself.

On March 30th 1987, Vincent Van Gogh’s painting “Sunflowers” was purchased by an anonymous foreign buyer for almost $36.3 million. The painting was only on the auction floor for five minutes and then was bought buy this anonymous person that did not even disclose the country they were from.

If Vincent Van Gogh were able to see such an auction he would be extremely proud of his work. Unfortunately during his time people were not able to appreciate his work, and as a result he committed suicide at the age of 37.