Famous Quote For January 26
"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"
Daniel Webster, 1830
January 26 Birthdays
1958 - Ellen DeGeneres
1995 - Oli White
2004 - Addison Riecke
1992 - Sasha Banks
1961 - Wayne Gretzky
2003 - Robby Novak
2000 - Emma Monden
1992 - Briana Jungwirth
2003 - Sapphire
1963 - Jose Mourinho
1955 - Eddie Van Halen
1977 - Vince Carter
1970 - Kirk Franklin
1996 - Tyger Drew-Honey
1990 - Christopher Massey
1987 - Jamie Bateson
1989 - Liza Kohl
1983 - Teddy Ruks
1925 - Paul Newman
2001 - Tyrese Love
1973 - Brendan Rodgers
More Jan 26 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

2006 - Western Union discontinues the use of its telegram service, a service made useless with the invention of the telephone, fax machine, and internet.

January 26th Holiday

Republic Day (India) - Celebrates the Independence of India, when the Constitution of India became the governing document, in 1950.

Today's Birthday Trivia

He had a role in the TV show Avatar: The Last Airbender. Who is he?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the January 26 Birthday Horoscope.

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