Famous Quote For July 20
"That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
Neil Armstrong, 1969
July 20 Birthdays
1999 - Julian Jara
1999 - Jovani Jara
1990 - Jaclyn Hill
1988 - Julianne Hough
2004 - Liv Shumbres
1980 - Gisele Bundchen
1998 - Corl
1993 - Alycia Debnam-Carey
1971 - Sandra Oh
1981 - Elle Walker
1994 - John Swift
1975 - Ray Allen
1995 - Denzel Harris
2000 - Alexis Simone
1996 - Ben Simmons
1985 - Harley Morenstein
1947 - Carlos Santana
1999 - Kayla TheSkype111
1958 - Billy Mays
1992 - Jordan Rodrigues
1938 - Natalie Wood
More July 20 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

1903 - The Ford Motor Company ships its first car.

This Day In Entertainment

1968 - Jane Asher breaks engagement to Paul McCartney.

July 20th Holiday

Friend's Day (Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil) - Known as Dia del Amigo, the day celebrates and promotes friendship.

Today's Birthday Trivia

He had film roles in Marie Antoinette (2006) and Shadows in the Sun (2009). Who is he?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the July 20 Birthday Horoscope.

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