Famous Quote For June 10
"If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can make the world safe for diversity."
John F. Kennedy, 1963
June 10 Birthdays
1992 - Kate Upton
1996 - Chris Dixon
2010 - Brock Butler
1996 - FIFAManny
2001 - Sasha Obama
1996 - Corey Funk
1989 - Gianna Martello
1922 - Judy Garland
1999 - Devin Hayes
1988 - Danielle Peazer
1990 - Jhonni Blaze
1973 - Faith Evans
1997 - Chase Carter
1921 - Prince Philip
1984 - Michelle Foley
1994 - Ethan Hethcote
1989 - Alexandra Stan
1965 - Elizabeth Hurley
1966 - Theresa Caputo
1979 - Lee Brice
1978 - Shane West
More June 10 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

1963 - To get women to be paid the same as men - JFK signs into law the equal pay act - so that there will be equal pay for those doing equal work.

June 10th Holiday

Portugal Day (Portugal) - Portugal's national day, which also commemorates the death of national literary icon Luis Vaz de Camoes in 1580.

Today's Birthday Trivia

She starred in Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers as Michelle Seaver. Who is she?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the June 10 Birthday Horoscope.

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