Famous Quote For June 3
"America, this is our moment. This is our time. Our time to turn the page of the policies of the past."
Barack Obama, 2008
June 3 Birthdays
1999 - Lukas Rieger
1998 - Logan Fabbro
1987 - Michelle Keegan
1992 - Mario Gotze
1986 - Rafael Nadal
1993 - Sean Berdy
1999 - BeautyChickee
1967 - Anderson Cooper
1994 - Dolan Dark
1989 - Anthony Youtubable
2000 - Louis Dipippa
1999 - Houssein Guney
2003 - Eddie Sean
1996 - Fie Laursen
1998 - Zayne Emory
1988 - Dave East
1973 - Lyfe Jennings
1985 - Humza Arshad
1994 - Jordan Dun
1985 - Detox Icunt
1991 - Yordano Ventura
More June 3 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

1889 - The first long-distance electric power transmission line is completed in the U.S. - helping to make electricity more affordable and available.

June 3rd Holiday

Opium Suppression Day (Taiwan) - Promotes the negative health and societal effects of opium.

Today's Birthday Trivia

She became known for playing Cindy Collins in Zoom. Who is she?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the June 3 Birthday Horoscope.

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