Famous Quote For March 28
"Clinton is not going to get the nomination. You can put that in your tape recorders and ask me about it in a couple months."
Jerry Brown, 1992
March 28 Birthdays
1990 - Zoe Sugg
1986 - Lady Gaga
1990 - Alex Burriss
1990 - Lily Marston
2011 - Maya Le Clark
1988 - Mary Kate Wiles
1985 - Erin Robinson
1994 - Jackson Wang
1975 - Kate Gosselin
1955 - Reba McEntire
1995 - Khayman Burton
2003 - Connor Finnerty
1982 - Flula Borg
1997 - Annabelle Davis
1994 - Dreezy
1991 - Derek Carr
1970 - Vince Vaughn
1973 - Umaga
1990 - Taylor Harris
1997 - Josh Gray
1985 - Miss Mykie
More March 28 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

2006 - In France, Over 1 million students and union members take to the streets to protest the government's controversial First Employment Contract law.

March 28th Holiday

Serfs Emancipation Day (Tibet) - Celebrates the ending of feudalism in Tibet, signed on March 28, 1959.

Today's Birthday Trivia

She starred in Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers as Michelle Seaver. Who is she?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the March 28 Birthday Horoscope.

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