Famous Quote For November 3
"Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion."
Edmund Burke, 1774
November 3 Birthdays
1995 - Kendall Jenner
1987 - Anna Saccone-Joly
2002 - Flippin Brennan
1986 - Joseline Hernandez
1987 - Colin Kaepernick
1987 - Jesse Fangs
1987 - Cameron Lynn
1962 - Gabe Newell
1981 - Zack Scott
1993 - Alex Demartino
1993 - Tom Mann
1988 - Jamie Laing
2000 - Jaime Cruz
1990 - Nav
1996 - Aria Wallace
1988 - Angus McLaren
1986 - Bria Kam
1987 - Jonna Mae
1952 - Roseanne Barr
1957 - Dolph Lundgren
1990 - Polo Morin
More Nov 3 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

2009 - Warren Buffet announces he will purchase the rest of Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway - a deal valued at over $44 billion.

November 3rd Holiday

Independence Day (Panama) - Celebrates Panama gaining its independence from Colombia in 1903.

Today's Birthday Trivia

He ran a ballroom dancing school in Kent, England. Who is he?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the November 3 Birthday Horoscope.

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