Famous Quote For November 6
"When Conservatives crusade against government while they are trying to be appointed to head the government, I think that's weird!"
Rachel Maddow, 2008
November 6 Birthdays
2004 - Lauren Orlando
1988 - Emma Stone
1993 - Alastair Aiken
1976 - Sal Vulcano
1994 - Derek McAllister
2007 - Bailey Ballinger
1979 - Lamar Odom
1990 - Kris Wu
2002 - Taylor Braungardt
2003 - Teddy Zois
1991 - Pierson Fode
1986 - Katie Leclerc
1991 - Tyler Pappas
1946 - Sally Field
1996 - CreeperFarts
1987 - Ana Ivanovic
1998 - Elizabeth Root
1988 - Conchita Wurst
1981 - Chris Soules
1978 - Oh No
2001 - DJ Prince
More Nov 6 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

1975 - Hewlett-Packard Company, one of the first successful Silicon Valley companies, goes public.

November 6th Holiday

Constitution Day (Dominican Republic) - Celebrates the adaptation of the Dominican Republic's Constitution in 1884.

Today's Birthday Trivia

He ran a ballroom dancing school in Kent, England. Who is he?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the November 6 Birthday Horoscope.

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