Famous Quote For October 9
"The Genius of Poetry must work out its own salvation in a man: It cannot be matured by law and precept, but by sensation and watchfulness in itself."
John Keats, 1818
October 9 Birthdays
1940 - John Lennon
2003 - Landon Barker
1996 - Bella Hadid
1966 - David Cameron
1992 - Tyler James Williams
1987 - Cody Jones
1952 - Sharon Osbourne
1979 - Lecrae Moore
1993 - Scotty McCreery
1967 - Eddie Guerrero
2001 - Louis Hynes
2003 - Lulu Lambros
2013 - Rory Vlach
1993 - Gracie Renfro
1989 - Analicia Chaves
1991 - Roary Raynor
1992 - Derek DiScanio
2001 - Joshua Carlon
1973 - Steve Burns
1996 - Stan Gerards
1974 - Gok Wan
More Oct 9 Birthdays   >

This Day In Business

2006 - Google purchases video sharing website YouTube - for $1.65 billion in stock.

October 9th Holiday

World Post Day - Commemorates the establishment of the Universal Postal Union in 1874 and the subsequent start of the global communications revolution.

Today's Birthday Trivia

She starred in Growing Pains: Return of the Seavers as Michelle Seaver. Who is she?

Today's Birthday Horoscope

Learn about people born on this day by reading the October 9 Birthday Horoscope.

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